Response to the Chancellor’s Economic Statement

The economic statement given by the Chancellor today will have a damning effect on the thousands of already struggling hard working families and small businesses across Enfield North.

It ploughs money into the wallets of the wealthiest in our society, hoping that some of that might trickle down and help everyone else.

These tax cuts for the rich now, will be paid for by lumping debt on generations to come, funding this government’s warped ideological dogma.

Almost a third of children are living in poverty in Enfield North, what hope is there for their future under a government like this?

It didn’t have to be this way; the government could have taken up Labour’s plan of getting us through this crisis by taxing the huge profits of the oil and gas companies.

But the Prime Minister, a former Shell employee, and the Chancellor would rather hit working people and protect their mates.

What really capped off this shameful statement, was the decision to lift the cap on banker’s bonuses.

The Chancellor has tried to justify this by arguing it boosts growth, but no one is buying it for a second.

It is a nakedly clear attempt to make sure those at the top are ok, whilst showing contempt for working people.

It smacks of the unfair and divisive politics that has defined much of the last 12 years of Tory rule.

What we need is a Labour government, firmly on the side of working people.

The people of Enfield North cannot afford any more of the same.


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