Weekly Round-Up

Queen’s Speech

The Government had an opportunity this week to put serious weight behind their “Levelling Up” agenda, yet all we have seen is legislation that pits our communities against each other, and disadvantages the most vulnerable and disenfranchised in our society.

After 11 years in power the Tories have given up defending their record, even they can see the cracks in the walls, from a rise in violent crime, to widespread economic insecurity and a broken social care system.

I wanted to see an ambitious, bold plan for good jobs, and an end to the insecurity and lack of opportunity in the economy, helping create a brighter future for people here in Enfield North, and across the country.

Sadly, the Government failed to provide it.

Cash Access Consultation

Following the closure of two bank branches on Hertford Road, in Barclays and Santander, over the last 12 months, residents and businesses in the eastern part of Enfield North are finding it consistently more difficult to access cash and the personal support they need to manage their money.

This continuing pattern of key resources being taken away from the more deprived areas of our community will build up further barriers in Enfield North, and further entrench the socio-economic divides we see across the borough.

What I want to see are community banking and cash access facilities which work for our local community and provide the resource and support that people feel they need.

Therefore, I am launching an open consultation for constituents to share their views and experiences and let me know what kind of facilities they want to see in their local area.

If you want to make your voice heard, please fill in the survey in the link below to help shape this campaign: http://bit.ly/CashAndBankingAccessSurvey.

Gaming Centre Objection

Earlier this week, I wrote to members of Enfield Council’s licensing committee, outlining the objections that I share with several local residents about the application for a gaming centre premises on Southbury Road in Enfield Town.

A strong and vibrant town centre is vital to our borough’s revival following the serious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but venues like this will have the opposite effect.

Gambling establishments such as this one, are a scourge on our high street and encourage behaviour which is not just harmful to surrounding residents and business, but to the patrons of such venues themselves, and I’m proud to stand firmly alongside residents in objecting to these plans.

You can read my letter in full here: http://bit.ly/GamingCentreObjection

Sheikh Jarrah Evictions and attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque

I was shocked and appalled by the horrific scenes we saw from Sheikh Jarrah and the Al-Aqsa mosque this week, and the frank disregard shown for the most basic of human rights.

The forced evictions in Sheikh Jarrah must stop and I condemn attempts by Israeli settlers to take control of Palestinian homes. East Jerusalem has been illegally annexed – Israel is the occupying power, which creates obligations that the Israeli Government is not meeting. Israel must comply with international law.

Alongside continued rocket attacks by Hamas on civilians in Israel, it is seriously troubling to see the continued escalation of tensions, which will only serve to put more innocent lives at risk.

I believe the violence must stop now and Israeli and Palestinian leaders must do everything they can to de-escalate the situation. The UK Government should also ensure that it is doing all that it can to prevent further conflict.

Launch of APPG for Down Syndrome

I was delighted this week to see the launch of the new APPG for Down Syndrome, on which I am proud to serve as one of the Vice-Chairs.

I support any action that ensures people with Down Syndrome lead healthy, active and independent lives – that their talents are recognised and their voices heard.

The APPG will do vital work to ensure that the voices and lived experiences of people with Down Syndrome are not only heard loud and clear at Westminster, but also play an active part in shaping important policy.

I look forward to working alongside colleagues on the APPG, and the Down Syndrome Policy Group, in raising awareness and to help amplify the voices of people with Down Syndrome.

Finally, as we move into the next stage of the Government's roadmap on Monday, I want to send my best wishes to all businesses that are re-opening in Enfield North, particularly the hospitality venues who have been hit hard by the pandemic.

With this easing of restrictions, it's vital we all play our part in keeping each other safe through regular hand washing, mask-wearing and social distancing where required, as well as getting vaccinated as soon as we are able to do so.

I wish you and your family all the very best as we start to return to normal, and hope you can enjoy some much needed time together.


“A lack of ambition and vision” Feryal Clark MP responds to the Queen’s Speech


Feryal Clark MP reacts to the Queen’s Speech