Weekly Round-Up

This week saw a Labour-led opposition day debate on investing in children and young people, following the Tories’ shambolic “catch-up” plan for schools which falls far short of what is needed.

Here in Enfield North, we have seen the real impact of this Government’s lack of serious investment in young people, who deserve so much better.

As a Governor at Bush Hill Park Primary School, I have been privileged to see up close the incredible work teachers and staff have been doing to keep pupils engaged throughout the pandemic. It is through their tireless dedication that our education system has continued to function, but as we begin our post-pandemic recovery it is vital, that they are given the tools they need to ensure no child falls behind, and this Government are simply not providing them.

When I hosted the first virtual careers fair in my constituency earlier this year, I saw the ambition and passion young people in Enfield North have for their future. It is these young people who will go on to be the leaders of their future, but this Government is once again failing to show even a fraction of the ambition that our country’s next generation has.

You can read my thoughts in full here: https://bit.ly/LaboursPlanforChildrenAndYoungPeople

International Aid

The Tories’ shameful decision to cut the international aid budget was heavily condemned this week, and despite an emergency debate on the issue, the Government refused to allow a vote.

As the only G7 nation to cut aid, breaking a manifesto commitment to support the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, the Conservative Government are retreating from our moral duty and people will lose their lives as a result.

Our allies and detractors are already taking note, and this will further weaken the UK’s position during the G7, an education summit and COP26 all of which we are hosting later this year.

Parliament has repeatedly made it clear that it does not support the aid cuts and Britain must not turn its back on the world’s poorest. The government must bring the decision to a vote.

Whitewebbs Update

With the bidders for Whitewebbs being announced this week, I was really pleased to see the thought Tottenham Hotspur put into their proposal around preserving our green spaces and investing in women and girls' football, as well as their community engagement plan.

It's vital that this key community resource is open and accessible for everyone, and I look forward to learning more from Spurs, through their engagement plan, on how they will make their proposals as inclusive as possible.

I look forward to working with the Club, Enfield Council, and local residents, to ensure the most effective outcome for the whole community.

Letter to the Foreign Secretary

After a number of constituents have got in touch with me regarding the significant and troubling rise in attacks on the freedoms of press organisations and journalists around the world, I have written to the Foreign Secretary to raise this important issue.

Press freedom is an essential part and test of a properly functioning democracy, and journalists across the world play a crucial part in scrutinising global events and people in powerful and influential positions.

These freedoms are increasingly being threatened across the world, and it is vital that we do not turn a blind eye, and stand up to those intent on restricting a free press.

You can read my letter in full here: http://bit.ly/LetterToForeignSecretary


Feryal Clark MP calls for Clean Air Day to be a turning point in the fight against air pollution.


Feryal Clark MP calls out the Government on their lack of proper investment in Children and Young People