Summer Report

With Parliament now in recess for summer, I wanted to take a look back at some of the work my team and I have undertaken on behalf of our community here in Enfield North, and the brilliant response we have had from so many local people wanting to make a change.

Careers Fair

Back in April it was an absolute pleasure to host Enfield North’s first digital careers fair.

The event gave young people, who have been hit hard by the pandemic, a chance to engage with potential opportunities open to them after finishing education.

Businesses involved ranged from local organisations such as Loving Social Media and the Metropolitan Police to national organisations including Network Rail and the NHS.  

Not only were young people able to ask about their future career prospects, they also developed key employability skills through a Curriculum Vitae and cover letter workshop.

Thank you to all those who attended, and the many businesses who offered their support, I look forward to continuing to work together in the future!

Dog on Dog attacks

I was delighted, earlier this year, to present the petition of Enfield North constituent Emma Gambrill to Parliament, concerning dog-on-dog attacks following the tragic death of her border collie, Blue, caused by two dangerous dogs.

The petition, which has been signed by over 150,000 people, declared that current legislation in the form of the Dogs Act 1871 and the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was not adequate, in that it does not account for dog-on-dog attacks, whereby dogs are behaving dangerously and are clearly out of the control of irresponsible owners.

Further, this means the owners of dangerous dogs do not face robust action when their dogs attack other dogs.

Alongside this petition, I have continued to question ministers on this pressing issue, as well as consult a range of expert organisations.

I look forward to continuing work in this area and ensure that other responsible dog owners like Emma do not face the horrific situation she did.

Access to Cash campaign

Despite the continuing movement to a cashless society many small, local, independent business, still rely on cash, alongside many people, particularly older people, who struggle to access online banking and need physical banking support.

That’s why back in May, I launched a public consultation on this issue of access to cash in Enfield North.

Following the closure of two bank branches on Hertford Road, by Barclays and Santander, over the last 12 months, and the subsequent loss of free ATMs, residents and businesses in the eastern part of Enfield North are finding it consistently more difficult to access cash and the personal support they need to manage their money.

Whilst I understand the needs for banks to keep up with developments in digital technology and embrace all the latest trends, they still hold a degree of social responsibility towards the communities they have served.

This continuing pattern of key resources being taken away from the more deprived areas of our community will build up further barriers in Enfield North, and further entrench the socio-economic divides we see across the borough.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation. Your views have helped shape my campaign and will make a real difference.

I look forward to sharing some important updates on this issue with you shortly.


Adult Gaming Centre Objection

A key issue that has come up time and time again in our borough is the presence of gambling venues.

Earlier this year, ahead of a Licensing Committee meeting concerning an application for an adult gaming centre on Southbury Road, I wrote to all committee members outlining my objections.

A strong and vibrant town centre is vital to our borough’s revival following the serious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but venues like the one proposed in this instance, will have the opposite effect.

Gambling establishments are a scourge on our high streets and encourage behaviour which is not just harmful to surrounding residents and business, but to the patrons of such venues themselves.

These venues pray on the vulnerable, and the provision of yet another in our town centre will draw in ever more people who struggle with addiction.

I am pleased that following the objections of myself and several others, the committee rejected the licensing application.

I pledge to continue to oppose venues such as this opening in our community, and will work with key local stakeholders to fight against any further licensing applications.


COVID-19 Response

It has been incredibly heartening to see the determination and spirit with which our country, and local community here in Enfield North, has fought the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whether it’s our NHS heroes leading our world-class vaccination programme, or simply neighbours checking up on each other, everyone has played their part.

Despite that spirit, the pandemic has still been incredibly difficult for many of us, and as your MP I have seen first-hand the damage it has caused.

Whether it be supporting SMEs who have been excluded from government packages to access the financial support they so desperately need, or raising the issue of local schools who have been let down by the Government’s unfulfilled promises on providing laptops, I have continually fought alongside our community to ensure we come through these difficult times together.

As we begin our recovery from the pandemic, I will continue to speak up for all those who continue to be affected, and fight to ensure that no one is left behind.

Supporting our community

The best part of my role as your local MP is helping make a difference to people’s lives, and with the devastating effect the pandemic has had, that has never been so important.

Since the start of this year, my team and I have responded to over 4,000 enquiries from constituents, ranging from issues with housing, to immigration, and welfare support.

From supporting residents at a town centre apartment block to get the financial support needed to remove dangerous cladding, to successfully lobbying to get a defibrillator installed in Enfield Town library, and much more aside, I have been incredibly proud of what we have achieved so far this year.

I look forward to continuing to be firmly on the side of our local community here in Enfield North and doing everything I can to make a real difference to people’s lives.

As ever, if you have an issue you need my help with, please do email


Recall of Parliament: Afghanistan Debate Statement


Weekly Round-Up