Weekly Round-Up

I was incredibly heartened this week to see the outpouring of solidarity towards Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka after the vile racist abuse they suffered following England’s defeat at Wembley on Sunday.

What this week has shown us is that we must be unwavering in our fight against racism, whether that’s in a stadium, on the streets, or online.

The cowardly behaviour of those posting racist abuse from behind a keyboard must be challenged in the strongest possible terms, and social media firms can and must do so much more to stop their platforms being used to spread racism.

The England team inspired our country this Summer through a spirit of diversity, unity and respect, and it is now up to us to continue to live those values in everything we do.

International Aid

On Tuesday, the Tories finally gave Parliament a vote on their proposals to row back on the commitment to spend 0.7% of Gross National Income on the international aid budget.

At the last election every major party’s manifesto included keeping the 0.7% commitment, but this week the Conservatives abandoned that pledge, and with it some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world when they needed our help most.

With COVID-19 continuing to have a devastating effect across the world, now is not the time to step back from a role as a global leader on overseas aid and development.

On the contrary, it is imperative that the UK and other major countries around the world step up and provide the global leadership needed to ensure nobody is left behind during this pandemic.

I was proud to back the commitment I made at the election to retain the 0.7% commitment, and it is a real indictment of this Government that they did not do the same.

Health and Care Bill

This week also saw the return of the Tories’ Health and Care Bill, which would see the largest re-organisation of the NHS since the disastrous “Lansley reforms” of 2012.

With the NHS continuing to fight against COVID-19, and cases and hospitalisations rising, it is baffling that the Government are embarking on these reforms now.

The very fact that they have done so is a devastating verdict on 11 years of underfunding, understaffing and the neglect of social care that left both health and care services weakened and exposed when the pandemic hit.

Whilst Ministers are wasting valuable time on this wasteful reorganisation, I will continue to work with colleagues in Parliament and locally to ensure the best possible deal for patients, their families, and NHS and social care staff here in Enfield North.

You can read my thoughts in full here: https://bit.ly/HealthandCareBillStatement

Joint review into TfL bus passenger levels

Earlier this month, alongside my fellow co-chair of the APPG for London, Sir Bob Neil MP, I wrote to the Transport Secretary, calling on him to postpone the Government’s joint review into passenger levels on TfL buses.

I was pleased to receive a reply from the Minister, which you can read here, that confirms the review will be postponed until later this year, giving a more accurate picture of demand for services.

When it does take place, it is vital that the review delivers a solution which is both sustainable and meets the needs of communities in Enfield North and across London that rely heavily on buses.

Attacks in Turkey
Lastly, I was deeply saddened this week to see more violent and racist attacks against Kurds and Armenians in Turkey.

Despite the persistent persecution of Kurdish and Armenian communities, the Erdogan regime is standing idly by, with their inaction speaking volumes of their lack of desire to protect minorities in Turkey.

The further attacks on the offices of the HDP, a pro-democracy and diversity party which has been consistently persecuted and supressed, highlight the disturbing authoritarianism of the Turkish Government, which must be called out.

I will continue to use my voice in Parliament to highlight the suffering of minority communities in Turkey, and press the British Government to do more in confronting and condemning the Erdogan regime.


Feryal Clark MP calls for improvements to the Building Safety Bill


Feryal Clark MP calls out the Government’s wasteful NHS re-organsiation