Feryal Clark MP comments on the Sivas Massacre Commemoration

Today marks 28 years since the Sivas Massacre, and is an opportunity for us to remember those lost and commit to continuing our fight for justice.

We remember all of the 33 artists, musicians, philosophers, authors, and others who were brutally murdered merely for being Alevi.

This massacre targeted the Alevis as a religious minority in Turkey in the most brutal and senseless way, and despite this we still see the Turkish Government refusing to provide the justice that bereaved families are continuing to push for.

Despite their horrendous crimes, the perpetrators of the Sivas Massacre have never been brought to justice.

Far from just escaping the courts, those responsible have continually enjoyed the protection of the Turkish state, including having careers in politics, despite repeated pressure from Alevis and the international community.

It is time now for Turkey to not only provide the protection and recognition that the Alevi community is rightly calling for, but also to get serious about bringing the perpetrators of this shameful crime to justice.


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