Feryal Clark MP backs petitions debate on Child Poverty

I am delighted to support this afternoon’s Westminster Hall debate which considers a petition started by Marcus Rashford, that gained over 1,000,000 signatures, calling on the Government to implement the three recommendations of the National Food Strategy.

These recommendations, cover expanding access to free school meals, providing meals and activities during holidays to stop holiday hunger, and expanding the Healthy Start scheme.

Here in Enfield North, data from the Child Poverty Action Group shows that 8,963 children are living in poverty. That’s over a third of children in the whole constituency.

For one of the largest economies in the world, in the 21st century, this is simply not acceptable.

If the Government is to make its plans for ‘levelling up’ the country a reality, it needs to take urgent action and come up with a credible plan to end child poverty. If we are to live in a society where every child has the chance to succeed, we need to invest in this and future generations.

This plan to end child poverty should include a commitment on child benefits. Families in Enfield North are already struggling, and the planned £20 per week cut to Universal Credit this October needs to be revoked, or a bad situation will become even worse.

I was proud to back the National Education Union’s #NoChildLeftBehind campaign recently, and will continue to take this message to Parliament, calling on the Government to make sure that all children in Enfield North are supported to be the best they can be.


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