Weekly Round-Up

We saw the return of the Government’s Policing, Sentencing and Courts Bill this week, a damaging and destructive piece of legislation which does more to protect statues than it does to protect victims, and fails to address the crisis in our police and justice system that has been created by a decade of cuts and failed Tory ideology.

Of particular concern to me is the bills’ complete failure to tackle the serious issue of violence against women and girls.

The tragic death of Sarah Everard instigated a national demand for action to tackle violence against women. The last thing the Government should be doing is rushing poorly thought-out measures to impose disproportionate controls on free expression and the right to protest.

This bill isn’t tough on crime, and does nothing to support our police or improve our justice system, it is a shameful piece of legislation that is playing petty political games rather than tackling the root causes of crime and providing victims with the support they need.

You can read my response to the bill in full here: https://bit.ly/PolicingBillStatement

NHS Birthday

This week marked  the 73rd birthday of the NHS, and just as Labour created the NHS 73 years ago, I’m proud to stand alongside colleagues from across the Labour movement in fighting to defend it.

Our NHS staff have gone through so much to keep us safe over the past 16 months, and we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude. We thank the phenomenal NHS staff who have delivered lifesaving work, even in the toughest times.

11 years of a Tory Government has seen waiting lists rise to their highest on record, beds cut and thousands of vacancies leaving NHS staff exhausted and overstretched. The Tories won’t even give staff the pay rise they deserve.

This is why, whilst we celebrate Labour’s creation of the NHS, we also campaign for a NHS rescue plan, to bring down the spiralling waiting lists, ensure more people can access cancer treatment sooner and ensure people receive the cancer care they need.

Our NHS has always been there for us and we must protect it – by calling for an end to the Tory mismanagement that has seen cuts, austerity and privatisation become rampant in our NHS.

Universal Credit Cut

On Thursday, DWP Secretary Therese Coffey confirmed that the Government would press ahead with the planned £20 a week cut to Universal Credit.

This cut will impact 6 million families, including those on working tax credits. This £20 is what enables some of them to put food on the table at the end of the week.
There is now near-universal opposition to these plans. Labour, the public, the House of Commons, dozens of charities and campaign groups and now 6 previous Conservative Work and Pensions Secretaries, all agree that this money must remain in place.

If the government pushes ahead with this cut, it would be devastating for millions already struggling to get by, see unemployment support at a 30 year low in the midst of a jobs crisis and threaten our economic recovery.

The Government is trying to make low income families pay as a result of their chronic mismanagement of the pandemic and the economic recovery.

Access to Cash campaign

It was great to hear from the National Federation for Sub-Postmasters this week, as part of my ongoing campaign to protect access to cash for communities in Enfield North, about the role Post Offices can play in providing key financial services.

With high street banks closing at an alarming rate, with yet another bank on Herford Road set to close next month, it is vital for small local businesses and residents, particularly older people, that we retain easily accessible banking services, including access to free to use ATMs.

Thank you to all the residents and groups who have filled in my access to cash survey over the last few weeks, it was great to get an understanding of the issues a lack of bank branches and free to use ATMs is causing in our local communities.

I look forward to updating you in the coming weeks about the progress of the campaign, and will ensure to keep fighting in Parliament and locally to ensure this important issue remains on the agenda.

England Team

Lastly, I want to send the very best of luck to Gareth Southgate and the England team ahead of the final of the European Championships at Wembley on Sunday.

This team, with its’ passionate anti-racism, solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, and campaigning to protect vulnerable children, has shown the very best of England, and has brought together the country in a way that was so desperately needed after the last few years.

I hope the enthusiasm generated by this tournament will see a real boom for grassroots football, with clubs such as Enfield Town benefitting, and create a truly lasting legacy.

I look forward to joining everyone in cheering on the team on Sunday, and hope that football is finally coming home!


Feryal Clark MP calls out the Government’s wasteful NHS re-organsiation


Feryal Clark MP slams Government over shameful Policing Bill